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Selasa, 19 Juli 2011

LightMachine v1.06 for Adobe Photoshop & Standalone

LightMachine offers plenty of features for improving a much wider range of photos with better results. Other available software often only give acceptable results for the common cases, but can't cope with more difficult cases. These shadow/highlight tools usually produce contrast-burned or over-saturated results which cause an unnatural look. Unlike LightMachine, they don't let you adjust shadows and highlights really independently, add artifacts along the shadow/highlight borders or don't brighten shadows or darken highlights enough to make details clearly visible.

NoiseControl v1.01 for Adobe Photoshop

  • Effectively removes image noise while preserving details and photographic quality
  • Automatic calculation of effective denoising settings by measuring noise or evaluating EXIF data
  • Visually compare and select denoising parameters
  • Apply different denoising settings to shadows, midtones, highlights and nine color areas
  • Sophisticated sharpening, saturation and grain options for enhancing the image
  • Create painting-like effects with extreme settings

  • Fast rendering by supporting multi-core CPUs and detecting your CPU's L2/L3 cache
  • Allows batch processing of image files
  • Can be applied to images with 8bit and 16bit per channel
  • Various presets included
  •   ... and much more

    Senin, 18 Juli 2011

    Makeup Guide 1.1.1

    MakeUp Guide - Virtual makeup directly on photos.With this makeup photo editor you'll be able to make your pictures look even better than they do! MakeUp Guide will help you to apply lipstick, rouge, eye shadow, and powder; line eyelids; and change eye color. You can do all of this right on the photo! You virtual makeup bag offers these tools: Lipstick, Powder, Rouge, Eye Color, Eye Shadow, and Eye Liner. MakeUp Guide includes animated demo samples: change eye color; anti-shine powder; eye makeup; lips and cheekbone makeup.

    Cosmetic Guide 1.3.1

    Cosmetic Guide - Virtual cosmetic - corrects cosmetic defects directly on photos. With Cosmetic Guide you'll be able to make your pictures look even better than they do! Cosmetic Guide will help you to smooth wrinkles, reduce swelling and eye puffiness, delete birthmarks and blemishes, and bleach teeth. You can do all of this right on the photo!

    Your virtual cosmetic bag offers these tools:
    1. Skin Care - give a younger look by reducing visible wrinkles and eye puffiness;
    2. Smart Path - can be used to remove skin moles and other skin blemishes;
    3. Bleach Teeth - whiten teeth, can also be used for the whites of the eyes.


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